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sunshine2018 56 男
1  質問
面白い体験(Interesting experiences) - 2021/6/28

近頃、エロい事ばかり考えてしまって、このサイトやアダルトグッズのサイトを覗いてます。 過去に男と付き合ったことも、アナルセックスの経験も多少はあり、(得意じゃない)やっぱ、ヤりたいなあと悶々とすることが多い。 ...

0 response(s), 1 vote
dreams7ts2 52 男
1  質問
Balloon Festival - 2009/10/29




Balloon Festival is held in Saga from today.

Many players visit Japan from the foreign countries, but how much will need Gay?

Is there the person participated in?

0 response(s), 9 votes
torajirou 70 男
2  質問
The anal extensioni Aigj - 2009/9/5

AigɕtċĉB M͂ǂ̈ʂ܂ŃAig܂H

The question which the anal extension has How much do you expand the size of the anal?

4 response(s), 9 votes
Nippleloveboy 53 GC
1  質問
̍Uߕ - 2008/6/29


2 response(s), 20 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
̂ȂZbNXɑ饥B - 2007/5/13

ނƕʂĂAXpK Cɂl‚Ă ܂Ă饥B


ȂƂƕ ĂA~߂Ȃ ߂ȂBǂ 炢̂Ȃ`I

4 response(s), 38 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
ノンケに・・・戻れるの? - 2007/5/10

彼 「別に嫌いになったから別れるんじゃないよ・・・」

彼 「ノンケに戻れるかどうかも分からないけど、 戻らなきゃいけない様な気がしてきた・・・」


4 response(s), 32 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
3Pとかって・・・ - 2007/5/7

悭RoƂĎɂ邯ǁÂRl̊֌WĂǂȂĂ̂ȁ`H QlP΂P̊֌WɃnbeAPl𑼂̂QlL邱ƂŊ֌Wۂ襥ȂHRl̒̎哱ĂȂ̂ȂHȂǂʐSz肵Ă܂B

0 response(s), 23 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
小学生のころ - 2007/4/29

߂ăIgRӎ̂͂Ԃ񏬊w̍H ]Z̎qɃgCłႢ`` Ă炩ȂB

ŁÂƂ͒nsŃT[JXsB ̒c̐lƁAFoŒ悭Ȃ ...

0 response(s), 29 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
oCZNVAEEE - 2007/4/29

ޥƂAjBƊ֌W‚悤ɂȂ RNڂɓ˓B̊ԁAJ~Ƃ͐̌肾BƂ̋CɂȂČƂĂ ‚̂悤ɑRŏIĂ܂B

ނƂƁAꔭڂ䖝oāA񔭖ڂ 爵ĂXCJȂقǂ̎ͥB łAވȊÕIgRłƂƁAł͂ȂB

̓_ł΁AވȊÕIgRƃJ~ ...

3 response(s), 22 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
距離と時間・・・ - 2007/4/29

距離といっても物理的なものではなく、 こころの距離のことですが・・・、あなたは 彼のこころがどれだけの時間離れたら、 その恋は終わったと思いますか?

俺なら、連絡がなくても1ヶ月くらいは 待ちますけど・・・、といいながら今日で 彼と会わなくなって、もう38日経って ...

2 response(s), 18 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
ӔC͂ǂɁEEEHiResponsibility, where...?j - 2007/4/28

΂łB Ƃ̂z̗낤ǁA

ǂ炩A̎ ŏIIɂǂȂ̂xXgȂ񂾂낤H

݂ɍDāAȂ̎o ʂꂽƂA߂i̗`X Ƃ祥joȂȂ ӔC͒Nɂ̥H

When there is love, that's fine. It'll be ideal love to say so.

Will it be best that what ...

0 response(s), 15 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
恋愛パズル・・・ - 2007/4/28





0 response(s), 15 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
イッたあと・・・ - 2007/4/28

俺って一度イッちゃうと、次の行為も何も 考えずに、さっさと身支度を始める方だった。

けど、くすぐったいのを堪えてもう少しフェラ でも、ローション責めでも続けられると、また 第2ラウンドへ向けて、勃ッちゃうことに気づ いたんです。


1 response(s), 31 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
LXEEEH - 2007/4/27


バレー部の同級生・・・。家に遊びに行って、 一緒の布団で寝た時。 友達としての意識しかなかったんで、じゃ れっこしてるつもりが、相手の方は本気 だったみたい・・・。 で・・・kissして、その時初めて舌を入れら ...

0 response(s), 17 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
EEÊƂ - 2007/4/26







0 response(s), 21 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
NormalizationEEEH - 2007/4/21

この世界に一度足を踏み込んだら、もう二度と ノーマルな世界に戻れないっていった人がいた けど、それって本当ですか? あなたの周りの人で、今はもう、あちらの世界 に戻って普通に生活してるって人いますか?

0 response(s), 9 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
߂Ă̑̌EEE - 2007/4/21

LXƂtFȂAwZ̎Al̐l ɂ炳đ̌ǥB

{iIȂ݂̑̌͂ȂȂ 낤H


0 response(s), 7 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
AiZbNXEEE^`EPH - 2007/4/15

AiZbNXł̓EPłA ^`Ă݂Ƃ̂zlB

F́Aǂă^`AEP ߂ĂłHς肻̎ ͋̕CȂ?

1 response(s), 12 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
シャワ浣してますか? - 2007/4/13



0 response(s), 14 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
終着駅はどこ・・・? - 2007/4/13

ƐgƂƂ̕ʂ͂邾낤 ǁAQCĐlɗB

jƏ̊֌W𒴉z Iw͂̂łH

2 response(s), 9 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
QCāEEE - 2007/4/12






1 response(s), 11 votes
nehan 59 男
18  質問
既婚と未婚・・・ - 2007/4/12

҂ƖҥǂƂtǁA ǂAlȂB

łAN̂ƂlƁA‚܂ő 񂾂륥HĎvႤȂB


0 response(s), 6 votes
2005JK 54 男
2  質問
webcamを使って… - 2007/3/16

̃}X^[x[V⑼l̃}X^[x[VwebcamŔzMƂ܂HIMŔzMꍇÂɉ{҂΂łȂȂĂlȂ̂cOłB ...

5 response(s), 21 votes
kagomizuho 46 T
1  質問
強制女性化調教&公開調教に興味がありますか。 - 2006/9/14

皆様で私を辱めて下さい。 私の名前や出身地など公開して下さいなど 皆様が知りたい事を教えて下さい。 またこういう写真をHPやブログで公開してほしいなど要望を教えて下さい。

2 response(s), 24 votes
2005JK 54 男
2  質問
満員電車でハプニング - 2006/8/16


8 response(s), 42 votes
torajirou 70 男
2  質問
ĂH@Does it have a home page? - 2006/1/24

̓z[y[WĂ܂B Ełutorajirou GayvŊȒPɂǂ蒅܂Bz[y[W͓{ł O̕ły߂lɎʐ^𑽂gĂ܂BẮAǂ̗lɃz[y[WfڂĂ̂ł傤H <br> I have a home page. It is possible to arrive easily with search "torajirou Gay" from all over the world everywhere. The home page is Japanese ...

0 response(s), 25 votes
just_curious00 32 男
1  質問
すごく気になる人がいるんですけど - 2005/12/7


7 response(s), 39 votes
kou1184 60 男
2  質問
パートナーと遭遇 - 2005/6/22

質問します。 もし、あなたがハッテン場でパートナーと遭遇したとしたらどうしますか? また別の男性と食事やドライブしている処で、バッタリとパートナーと逢ってしまったとしたらどんな態度をとりますか?

6 response(s), 34 votes
kou1184 60 男
2  質問
̐l̂ɁAnbe֍ŝ́H - 2005/6/21

いつも思うのですが・・・。 特定のパートナーがいるのに、ハッテン場へ行くのはどうなんでしょうか?これも浮気の一種として考えられるのかなぁ。

7 response(s), 51 votes
chub520 67 男
1  質問
Old, home nudist with ed. - 2024/9/15

Looking for first cum swallow or just play with each other.

0 response(s), 0 votes
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Long penis deep throat - 2024/7/31

Hey guys, it's been a while since I've given any blowjobs. Back in the days of craigslist, I met a guy who has a nice big nine inch penis. I was proud of being able to take it all. I sucked him until my throat was sore! <br><br> What is the longest penis you ever have taken in your mouth all the way? <br><br> Did your throat hurt after?

3 response(s), 0 votes
Vince2022 82 男
1  質問
Wanted - 2024/6/10

Looking for guys in Southern Maine for hot sex. Don't let my age bother you. I have had yrs. of practice and never a complaint. I can keep up with the younger guys. any help would be great ?.

3 response(s), 2 votes
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Double penetration - 2023/9/23

Have you ever had two penises fucking your ass at the same time?

8 response(s), 5 votes
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Asshole gaping - 2023/9/23

I'd like to hear from a man or woman who knows how to gape their asshole, and give me advice on how to do it?

1 response(s), 1 vote
rockybi4u 77 男
1  質問
Sneezing - 2023/9/3

Lately after having an orgasm I sneeze two or three times , anyone else experience this ?

1 response(s), 0 votes
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Bi threesums - 2023/6/23

Hey Guys, has your wife or girlfriend ever watched you give a blowjob or get assfucked ?

4 response(s), 0 votes
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Water Sports - 2023/6/6

I knew a woman who when we had anal sex wanted me to piss in her. She also pissed in my mouth. Though a guy hasn't yet done either to me, I'd like to give and get both. To those who do this, do you prefer having your ass or mouth pissed in?

3 response(s), 1 vote
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Pickle Park rest stop. - 2023/6/6

Over a month ago, a wide spread brush fire broke out in the area. Closing the rest stop for a few weeks. Now reopened, but can it be unsafe to be in the burnt area? If you're familiar with this site, please respond.

1 response(s), 1 vote
Looking4frst 47 男
1  質問
New - 2023/3/15

Need tranny fem first time asap

0 response(s), 1 vote
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Keeping your shirt on for oral or anal sex - 2022/11/29

l don't like guys touching me above the waist, or me them. <br><br> If we were having sex, how would you feel about that?

9 response(s), 4 votes
skintight2 57 男
1  質問
Trying to find a copy of one of most popular stories posted here back in 2012? - 2022/9/8

I think it was called Handyman or by someone named Handyman. It was wonderfully written and super hot about an older man seducing a younger one. I thought I had saved a copy somewhere because I loved rereading it to make me hard and leak pre-cum.

1 response(s), 1 vote
advent43 68 男
11  質問
Prostate Orgasm - 2021/3/17

Over the years I've become aware of men that can achieve "prostate orgasms" thru prostate stimulation only. I've attempted this with various toys specifically for this purpose without success. Any information, tips or recommendations would be appreciated.

22 response(s), 6 votes
BuckeyeBtm 70 男
4  質問
Keeping it Bare - 2020/10/23

I saw the question about shaving or trimming. I was wondering if anyone had used the stuff like Nair? Any problems with it - burning, etc? Does it work? How often do you have to use it?

15 response(s), 3 votes
BuckeyeBtm 70 男
4  質問
Virus Test - 2020/10/5

After all these months I am so horny I would love a good orgy, but I am not hooking up right now because of the virus. How about you? If the virus test with the immediate results was available to all would you have a guy take it, and if negative, hook up right after?

8 response(s), 1 vote
HOT10012 62 男
2  質問
Do you shave or trim or neither? - 2020/8/20

Notice the young bucks are shaving their junk ....not just a trim. How about you and what do you think of it ?

47 response(s), 10 votes
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Whos had a gum job aka toothless blowjob ? - 2020/7/16

I was having lunch at a rest stop today and was talking to a guy who offered to suck my dick. Unfortunately I was already late and said I'd like to but had to go. He told me he would take his teeth out, and I said maybe some other time. <br><br> I'm wondering what the difference would be, if you know please tell me.

10 response(s), 1 vote
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
The biggest... - 2020/5/27

Whats the biggest dick you've ever taken up the cock hole? <br><br> me? 9 inches... thick and cut <3

21 response(s), 7 votes
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Social distancesing - 2020/5/10

It's been a while since I've given a blowjob. Last week while taking a piss at a rest stop, where I have made some hook- ups, this nice old guy really wanted to give me a blowjob. I told him I would like that! and like to give him one too, but am afraid of Corona virus. So how should I pursue this?

10 response(s), 2 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
If you could only have one.. - 2020/4/17

Hey boys, if you could only have one which would it be - a cock up the ass or a dick in your mouth? <br><br> And please tell me why? <br><br> <br><br> xx

36 response(s), 10 votes
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Greetings NNJ guys - 2020/3/9

Who likes rocklodge in Stockholm or pickle park w.milf...? I'd like to check it out with you!

0 response(s), 1 vote
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Hey Morris County NJ... - 2020/2/15

...where do you have the best luck hooking up?

1 response(s), 3 votes
glendagalecd 54 男
2  質問
How can I get some older dick - 2019/12/29

I'm a virgin and new at this I'm trying to chat with older men

26 response(s), 12 votes
glendagalecd 54 男
2  質問
Looking for some dick - 2019/12/29

Is there anyone in Clemson I'm trying to find a guy I need some dick I'm Glenda Gale horney as hell 6

14 response(s), 7 votes
tnytgr6977 58 男
1  質問
New cross dresser here - 2019/12/3

I find it hard to find clothes that fit my petite figure and need help with make up

12 response(s), 8 votes
littleguy57 64 男
12  質問
Where to go ? - 2019/11/17

I'm looking for bisexual saunas close to Morris County, New Jersey. Anyone know of any ? Thanks, littleguy57

2 response(s), 4 votes
advent43 68 男
11  質問
trouble posting a question? - 2019/11/14

I've twice attempted to post a question here and despite the fact that it was approved, for some reason it disappeared over night...twice, without explanation. Anyone have a similar experience? This is a copy of the approval; <br><br> Dear advent43, <br><br> Thank you for submitting your article to our Magazine at OutPersonals. It has been approved and is now visible ...

5 response(s), 1 vote
advent43 68 男
11  質問
Monogamy, a dated concept? - 2019/11/13

Frustrated here as I've not had any luck finding a lover. I've written a concise profile and included my recent photos. I've been exceedingly careful, actually dormant from sexual contact for several years and was recently tested for HIV, which came as no surprise, was negative. <br><br> Despite the fact that I've stated my desire for a monogamous relationship with a ...

0 response(s), 1 vote
advent43 68 男
11  質問
Monogamy, a dated concept? - 2019/11/12

Frustrated here as I've not had any luck finding a lover. I've written a concise profile and included my recent photos. I've been exceedingly careful, actually dormant from sexual contact for several years and was recently tested for HIV, which came as no surprise, was negative. <br><br> Despite the fact that I've stated my desire for a monogamous relationship with a ...

2 response(s), 0 votes
ruwanting 62 男
2  質問
1st Timers - 2019/11/5

We all finally meet someone and make that transition from cybersex OP to actual skin to skin in real life. <br><br> What was it like your first time meeting someone from online. Were you scared, maybe nervous. Or were you hard as a rock and couldn’t wait to dive right in? <br><br> Was it public? Private, in a car, at a movie, or? <br><br> Please dont forget ...

28 response(s), 10 votes
ruwanting 62 男
2  質問
Who started out with visits to the bookstore, park or cruising and camping or...;-) - 2019/11/4

Details are very welcome. Was it or night. Were u nervous or apprehensive. How did it feel when the first cock slid into your mouth? Or your tight lil bottomhole? Were u a party, or a friends house where it happened? So many ways men have found their way to this site. So many roads we have taken to find some satisfaction whether or night, we all have that need. That hunger if you will, to feel ...

18 response(s), 9 votes
jjfsrvt77 57 男
2  質問
The New Average - 2019/10/23

So what is m/f conversation this afternoon. being a 7... I once thought I had a slight edge.. but now i'm worried I don't measure up.

17 response(s), 7 votes
BuckeyeBtm 70 男
4  質問
Straight? - 2019/10/5

I have seen guys profiles on sites like this that say they are straight and versatile. If they are on these sites looking for sex wouldn't that make them Bi not straight? Also if they are versatile doesn't that mean they will bottom? So how can they be straight?

17 response(s), 11 votes
advent43 68 男
11  質問
Bath houses still exist??? - 2019/9/23

I was recently chatting with a guy on here who like me can not host. So I suggested we meet for coffee regardless and that if we were compatible we could figure something out. I even suggested the local ABS, but to my surprise he indicated a male bath house not far from where he lives. I was surprised because I thought that in the wake of STD awareness, they'd pretty much all closed down. ...

14 response(s), 9 votes
advent43 68 男
11  質問
Getting more gay by the day... - 2019/9/23

I've been bisexual for 40 years or so. I've loved and enjoyed sexual relations with women, but more and more I find sex with women to be less enjoyable. On the other hand sex with men was nearly always satisfying, but intimacy with a guy was not for me. <br><br> Lately however I feel more turned on by the thought of male male intimacy, deep kissing feeling and holding with a ...

16 response(s), 12 votes
DaButt69 48 男
2  質問
Group Sex - 2019/9/21

Has anyone had groupsex? If so, how was it?

15 response(s), 8 votes
BuckeyeBtm 70 男
4  質問
Bottom Question - 2019/8/29

Would like to ask the bottoms out there what they use to clean themselves out? Store bought? Water? Someone recently told me that they use a mild soapy solution. I had been told that this is not good for your system. Any feedback on this?

20 response(s), 14 votes
LatinOtter85 39 男
1  質問
Are you out? - 2019/8/22

The more I search this site, the more I'm finding profiles of men who are either bi-curious or cannot host. Which, really, just makes me wonder if those men are in relationships and on here secretively. There also seems to be a large list of men who cannot host. Which seems to be another red flag. <br><br> So, my question... Are you ? Or just curious and hoping nobody finds ?

1 response(s), 1 vote
lavielascif 53 T
3  質問
Before i going... - 2019/8/7

sleep i masturbate of many way and ejaculate. What you mean, it's good or bad?...

6 response(s), 3 votes
jjfsrvt77 57 男
2  質問
Getting Laid - 2019/6/2

If you go out and Hook up, Meet someone.... Have Sex, that means you got Laid. IF, You "Fuck" yourself with a Dildo.... Does that count as well? Abstract Thinking

26 response(s), 15 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
Swish and swirl? Or swallow? - 2019/5/19

Ok guys most of us love a creamy hot load in our mouths. But when that guy rewards you by squirting his creamy white love juice in your mouth, do you prefer to swallow straight away? Or do you let it sit in your mouth, tongue.. maybe swirl it around your mouth a little.. <br><br> Me, I like to change it up. Sometimes I love sucking a thick hot load straight down the back of my throat ...

28 response(s), 26 votes
Johnjr388 52 男
1  質問
how do you keep it there? - 2019/5/11

Hello, i have been wearing women panties and thongs for year and cannot wear boxers anymore love the feeling of a thong or silk panties. been doing some cross dressing in the house for a while so far have not gone out. I was trying to get enough nerve to try it this year but i have one problem. How or where should i put my dick?? might just have to duck tape it to my ass. can anyone be any ...

8 response(s), 6 votes
backdooropen1669 69 男
3  質問
what do you have to do? - 2019/5/3

How on earth does one find a group? So wish to be video'd live servicing a group yet no takers. Seriously what does one need to do? Let me know so want this.

2 response(s), 3 votes
backdooropen1669 69 男
3  質問
public sex - 2019/4/25

Would love to be tied to a guardrail and have a group of men use all my holes all night long while being blindfolded and filmed and placed on the internet. Anyone else's have such desires? Anyone capable of getting this my top fantasy fulfilled for me? Obviously let me lose my blindfold midway through I want all to see me used/

3 response(s), 10 votes
backdooropen1669 69 男
3  質問
who likes to be tied and dominated - 2019/4/25

I wish too be tied and dominated by a group. Who's into group anyone like filming it as well?

5 response(s), 2 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
Have you used Poppers? - 2019/4/13

Have you tried poppers to have sex? I haven't actually had sex on them, but I recently bought a bottle and when I had some alone time I got naked.. put on some porn with headphones and opened the bottle.. and OMG what a rush!!! I knew they where supposed to make you feel some things as I read up about them beforehand. Yes my face went quite warm, my heart raced a little.. but the thing I ...

12 response(s), 15 votes
Slurping67 52 男
1  質問
oshkosh - 2019/4/11

hello all <br><br> I will be in Oshkosh may 3rd and was looking for place to go? bookstores with arcade or adult theater? <br><br> thanks

1 response(s), 2 votes
Ukbottom69 53 男
1  質問
Best way to arrange a 3some? - 2019/3/21

Hi All, <br><br> Trying out this forum. Definitely easier meet people and test the water but for some time now, I've been very much fantasizing about a 3or 4some with Tops . I feel hungry and horny for 3some fun and would be keen to hear people's honest views how that's done! <br><br> I guess the easiest is to ask.. but often in 1:1 chats, I would get asked .. ...

9 response(s), 8 votes
Sissypriscilla20 68 男
1  質問
Lonely Sissy wants a gangbang - 2019/2/20

Where are all the older men who wants a whore in Mass?...

3 response(s), 6 votes
booth65 67 男
1  質問
oral vs. anal - 2019/2/18

I enjoy Doing oral, however, every now and then, so seem to enjoy it.seemeone wants to fuck me. I don't like it and usually say, no! It usually hurts and I don't enjoy it. When I look at porn the guys seem to enjoy it. What am I doing wrong?

19 response(s), 11 votes
oralbottom553 67 男
1  質問
Question for bottoms - 2019/2/15

Why do you perfer being the bottom in bed?

25 response(s), 14 votes
sub_bottom2exp 53 男
1  質問
Safe sex? - 2019/2/14

The only true form of safe sex is well abstaining from sex with other's all together it's the loneliest form of sex but it gets you off when needed.... <br><br> I spent most of my life straight sex raw with women in relationships it wasn't an issue really? then a cpl introduced me to bi play and safe sex anal wise was the norm on both the giving and receiving end.... All ...

8 response(s), 9 votes
Indybicplthirsty 48 BC
2  質問
Looking to suck an btm Fletcher - 2019/2/3

New here and wanting to serve as a friendly slut I want to suck you off asap. Ready now any one in Indy looking for a Nutt to bust or wanting to fuck me or rim an suck me..

0 response(s), 5 votes
Indybicplthirsty 48 BC
2  質問
Looking to suck an btm Fletcher - 2019/2/3

New here and wanting to serve as a friendly slut I want to suck you off asap. Ready now any one in Indy looking for a Nutt to bust or wanting to fuck me or rim an suck me..

0 response(s), 0 votes
foryou00 40 T
1  質問
Where I find the answer - 2019/1/16

I am a man just love sex and group

3 response(s), 12 votes
advent43 68 男
11  質問
What's wrong with this picture??? - 2019/1/12

When ever I contact a guy I'm interested in I include my recent "G" photo, a short note of interest and dare I say...my actual first name! Yet despite the fact that I get flirts, hotlists and have standard contacts, it's rare that a guy emails me with something more that "hey" or "what's up" or "I'd like to sit on that". Even the few ...

14 response(s), 17 votes
ansandiego619 59 男
1  質問
How do you meet mature men? - 2018/11/28

I'm in a great city that's brimming with great-looking, young, fit men, but how do you meet a man in his 50s these days?

5 response(s), 15 votes
davidff 59 男
1  質問
paid sex - 2018/11/13

Where can I look for good sex to pay for? I know what you all think but sometimes you need that commodity david

7 response(s), 12 votes
ghostgirlv333 64 T
18  質問
why dont you blog - 2018/10/23

not so much a question but a suggestion iif folks on here are interested in you then you call can connect thru your blogs just sayin

7 response(s), 16 votes
bottomman1619 62 男
1  質問
love being tied - 2018/10/21

Love being tied anybody like taking a nice tied up piece of meat?

10 response(s), 11 votes
Pyldrvr82 68 男
1  質問
SMART ASS - 2018/10/6

You know when people are out here and trying to get the information that they deserve or desire. I believe that there are some really mean spirited people that need to check that bullshit attitude towards others. I've been enjoying myself quite a bit on the site. I've never been on this site and am doing this for the first time. I'm hoping that the majority of the members of the site ...

1 response(s), 3 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
Is this site broken?? - 2018/9/20

I'm wanting cock attention! But this site offers NONE! <br><br> <br><br> So glad I haven't renewed membership in ages.

16 response(s), 14 votes
Asseater5556 49 男
1  質問
How to deep throat huge cocks with out gagging - 2018/8/26

And I need to learn to love cum!!!

19 response(s), 17 votes
chestfinder 72 男
2  質問
An Imaginary Friend - 2018/8/20

This is a question for some of you that don't have lots of friends in your friends list. I noticed that when I open my friends list that it says I have one more friend than the actual number of people that actually are there. Maybe that other "friend" is the OP itself. Do you see the same thing with your list of friends, one more than what shows up on your list? Is this ...

1 response(s), 6 votes
LckurnutsI 61 男
4  質問
what is cock docking?? - 2018/8/17

you admonistraters are totally dumb ...

5 response(s), 4 votes
LckurnutsI 61 男
4  質問
what is frottiig? - 2018/8/17

you administrators r totally retarded ...

3 response(s), 1 vote
dickobsessed 72 男
1  質問
position - 2018/8/17

When setting up my profile, when I get to the selection for position, all the choices are blank. Is this the same for everyone? orally vers/anally bottom, and would like for this to show up on my profile so other bottoms wouldn't waste their time contacting me.

3 response(s), 11 votes
tungtickle 68 男
3  質問
Nipple suck - 2018/8/13

I don't know about you but I really like getting my nips sucked. Especially if it's timed just right with a good hand job.. What about you?

8 response(s), 13 votes
jkkw88 28 男
1  質問
any one from earth? - 2018/8/8

Humans, any one ...

5 response(s), 1 vote
Discreetfun2018 57 男
1  質問
More than one - 2018/7/14

Having enough experience to know what feels good, and what gets me off I love being in the closet <br><br> Do many of you fantasize or enjoy being with 2 or 3 people having sex? A cock in your mouth and one in your ass, 2 cocks in your face getting your ass played with? 3 cocks at once with your wife watching and participating? Would you pursue something like this if you were able? ...

9 response(s), 6 votes
Photojim07 50 男
1  質問
Looking fro head in Fresno - 2018/7/14

Ever since craigslist personals got dropped I have not really been able to find anyone to give me head. I have tried a few of these sites but not wanting to spend money at this time this is probably a better site. AdultFriendFinder is so limited as a regular member, you get 3 IM messages a day. The females won't reply to you and you do not know if the guys are into guys. Gayxxxdate is totally confusing, it ...

2 response(s), 3 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
Would you like to hear about my evening? - 2018/7/5

As I've said in my other recent post, I'm going to the gay/bi spa/sauna on July 12th. I haven't been for a while... I can't wait to be a slut again! <br><br> Would you like me to write about my night on the 12th? I'll write in detail if I get enough interest as in likes/comments. <br><br> Let me know boys!!

6 response(s), 12 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
What do you do?? - 2018/7/2

What do you do when you get so damn horny for cock but you can't get it and your situation doesn't allow it? I'm so fking horny right now... I'm CRAVING delicious cock.. I'm CRAVING male attention! But.. my situation won't allow me to have it until July 12th... Of course I can wank.. but it's so unfulfilling.. <br><br> Does anyone else get so horny for dick ...

9 response(s), 8 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
Pultney 431 - 2018/7/1

Hi gorgeous Adelaide guys On Thursday July 12th I will definitely be spending an evening at the spa and sauna at 431 Pultney. I would love it if there where heaps of men there. I want to try you all.. Twinks, bears, older men, fems, masculine.. I want you all! I'm versatile and enjoy being both a top and bottom, I've been told I'm good looking, athletic to slightly muscular ...

1 response(s), 4 votes
discreetman53 71 男
5  質問
Looking good at 65. - 2018/5/28

Do you think a 65 year gay should wear cloths like skinny jeans, more than bracelet at a time, more than ring on each hand, dye his hair, or maybe wear speedos in he has a less than average dick? The idea of an older guy trying to be up to date, is the question.

7 response(s), 7 votes
00016 117 男
4  質問
notification - 2018/5/23

I"m a standard member so why notify me when some view my account I can not view them and I can't contact them so why even give us those functions. When I first join this site many ago standard members had a reason to be here now we are left with no real reason to be here.

2 response(s), 8 votes
chestfinder 72 男
2  質問
Redeeming Points to View a Profile - 2018/5/20

Has anyone ever redeemed some points to be able to view someone's profile? Does that profile always remain viewable or is it viewable only once or for a certain time limit?

6 response(s), 4 votes
stroking648 74 男
1  質問
Sucking Cock - 2018/4/20

What is it about sucking cock, particularly for the first, time, that makes it so memorable. Does anyone ever forget their first time taking a man's load? And what makes it so enjoyable that we all want more?

21 response(s), 24 votes
billybl 48 男
1  質問
Have you ever been to a large organized sex party? - 2018/4/12

Have you ever attended a professionally organized sex party? Something like a Cumunion party? (if you never heard of 'cumunion' You can got to their site of the same Name) <br><br> I have always wanted to check out a bathouse type ene, but the nearest place is 100 mile away.. In Las Vegas. Which brings me to the Cumunion party, they have on the 3rd Saturday of every month. ...

20 response(s), 13 votes
goodman2016 30 男
2  質問
Smart sex - 2018/3/24

Who can

5 response(s), 3 votes
atakkeba 87 GC
3  質問
Bushy Dicks - 2018/3/15

I love hairy, bushy Dicks, it makes me horny when holding it or sucking. Do you also get the same feeling?

16 response(s), 15 votes
LckurnutsI 61 男
4  質問
what is frotting? - 2018/1/24

..and the best position for such....?..and is DOCKING, ==thee highest degree of FROTTING.....

9 response(s), 9 votes
LckurnutsI 61 男
4  質問
what is docking cocks? - 2018/1/16

something to do with foreskin.....i believe...

14 response(s), 12 votes
ghostgirlv333 64 T
18  質問
questions for tops and bottoms - 2017/12/2

all of you chime in tops: have you ever fucking someone so hard that they went to sleep bottoms:why do you like to push back whle being fucked? T: how long can you stay up when your bottoms asks you to stay still a moment meaning long periods of not moving? this one for everyone if you never had sex before and your thinking of men does that make gay-curious? also if you already had sex a few ...

20 response(s), 13 votes
luvwetdk 39 男
7  質問
Farewell - 2017/11/25

It was nice to chat with all you folks in here. I wish you all the best. I haven't been able to meet anybody from here via message or Externally. I wish you all the best!!

9 response(s), 10 votes
jrodd 66 男
1  質問
Is the use of the word "Top" and "Bottom" politically incorrect? - 2017/11/24

When I first heard the use of the terms "top" and "bottom" these words being used was in the sm and dominant / submissive realms. Now these terms have spread outside the factions who are into the masters n slaves realms and became the mainstream gay themes throughout. This dualistic two terms in opposites suggest top as a superior ruler and bottom as lower level person . ...

27 response(s), 10 votes
ghostgirlv333 64 T
18  質問
are you a collector - 2017/11/14

simple question and for me the answer is yes i am back in the day it used to be other peoples underwear now i have to say its bits of time as in oh yes i am filming you if we are fucking i want something to really remember you by so what do you collect?

7 response(s), 9 votes
hotcowboy83 46 男
1  質問
Early sex - 2017/11/8

Seduced by men very young, affects or confuses my sexual orientation later in life?

10 response(s), 16 votes
ghostgirlv333 64 T
18  質問
where you ever staright - 2017/10/24

i seen alot of people that they are curious ok fine but a hetro man does not does not think about dicks and no one "turns' gay so my question are people ever truly straight? if they are thnking about going down on a man or getting a man to top them i believe you are you when you pop out of you mother or test tube but i would love to hear what you folks think

14 response(s), 17 votes
14rusty 95 男
1  質問
Slapping Ass - 2017/10/6

What is the point in slapping my ass by my partner. What does anyone get from doing that? I don't mind but it does nothing for me.

17 response(s), 18 votes
ghostgirlv333 64 T
18  質問
whats the sexyest thing someone has said to you in the heat of passion - 2017/9/20

its a simple question folk i want to hear what they said and why did it rock your world

20 response(s), 16 votes
veryhornyhole 55 男
1  質問
Did you realize that standard members have no incentive to stay here? - 2017/9/4

After many years as a gold member here, I had to cut some expenses and realized that I can't think of any reason why I should continue to visit this site. I was laid of from my job a few months ago, and since unemployment compensation barely covers rent and medical (there's also utilities, internet, telephone, car insurance, gasoline, food, etc.) I needed to cut back where I could. ...

21 response(s), 25 votes
luv219333 65 男
1  質問
Should Cross Dressers be passable - 2017/8/31

When a guy likes to dress up in female lingerie or sexy outfits to have hot fun, does it matter if hes not shaved smooth, no makeup or nice hair style like a woman. Do you think pleasing one another, passable or not, is what matters....

16 response(s), 11 votes
goodman2016 30 男
2  質問
جنس - 2017/7/27

Why Male Sex Is Better Than Female؟ Because comfort with males only

7 response(s), 4 votes
luvwetdk 39 男
7  質問
Has anyone been to a Gay sauna? - 2017/7/26

Just like the title says. Please share your story...

As for me I used to frequent one near home before it closed. Now only real adventure is adult store arcades or nudist locations.

20 response(s), 14 votes
luvwetdk 39 男
7  質問
Fucked with your own cum - 2017/7/25

Has anyone been Fucked by their own nut?

I have fingered & plugged by my own cum. But when I've been Fucked the only thing that goes in is Cock and lube. Would like the feeling of hot cum, yet not the risk of std...

15 response(s), 13 votes
luvwetdk 39 男
7  質問
Butt plugged. - 2017/7/23

I had a day off and I was very horny. So I decided to buy a plug for picures for Cl. When I get home my Girlfriend car is in the driveway. My quick response was to spit on it and shove it in my ass. Little did I know she came home for a quickie in her lunch time. So I ended up wearing it during sex, and let her on top. Few....

7 response(s), 10 votes
luvwetdk 39 男
7  質問
Cock pictures on the phone - 2017/7/23

Have You ever been caught with your pictures on the phone?

I've been using CL to meet mates. Usually I take pictures of my freshly shaved cock, freshly shaved ass, freshly oiled and plugged whole. Recently, I was attempting to show off my new bike to a coworker and instead showing offor my cock pics.... Akward.... I'm lucky he played it off like he didn't see anything.

My ...

9 response(s), 8 votes
lowell217 65 男
1  質問
johnnycocksucker 541 673 5977 - 2017/7/9


5 response(s), 9 votes
malibueric69 71 男
1  質問
"Happy Independence Day" - 2017/7/4

Thanks to all who have helped to make our country FREE! Parades and remembering our fore fathers for their courage and determination to bring about a new nation... "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Then BBQ's, dancing, ...

0 response(s), 9 votes
wifeknowsimbi 43 男
1  質問
Are there any Transgenders near Loves Park, IL that are interested in playing? - 2017/6/16

One of my biggest fantasies is to explore some playtime with a transgender interested in playing with a male. I have a huge oral fixation and would love to have as many fun parts to use my mouth on as possible. I am located near IL/WI border and am having a very difficult time in finding potential fantasy makers. Not sure what to do. Jay

3 response(s), 2 votes
manto69u 65 男
1  質問
Gloryholes - 2017/4/3

I'm heading to my first gloryhole session soon to be the sucker. My question is how do you get the unknown guys to wear a condom? Or should I just bring some and put them on the cocks without asking the guy?

3 response(s), 7 votes
adickted18 45 男
1  質問
Favorite part. - 2017/3/12

What is your favorite part of sex? Mine is being face down, ass high in the air waiting for it. I'm so turned on offering myself, and wondering what comes next.

19 response(s), 24 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
Whats your best? - 2017/3/9

Whats the most loads you've swallowed in one night/24 hour period?

For me, my best is 6 loads. All within about 2-3 hours. Now THAT, was a night to remember..

5 response(s), 14 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
Unplanned Toilet sex? - 2017/3/6

Have you had sex with a stranger in a public toilet? I have.. it was exhilarating! It wasn't the usual gay cruising spot where guys go to shoot a load. It was at a cinema, I went to the toilet half way through the movie and ended up having some awesome horny sexy slutty sex. It involved me and two older gentlemen. It was sooo nice.

So have you had sex in a public toilet where it was ...

9 response(s), 19 votes
Upforall 64 男
5  質問
New Post - 2017/1/13

I'm just wondering, seems like I see very few new post, questions, or polls. Is there no one left on the site or is the site just not updating?

5 response(s), 9 votes
marvitto1 54 男
4  質問
Favorite Movies - 2017/1/8

Just checking with anyone out there if there are any gay themed movies you'd recommend. I recently watched Free Fall which I thoroughly enjoyed. It had a not so happy ending. I was rather hoping they would end up together in the end =) Looking forward to your responses folks.

2 response(s), 1 vote
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
Uncut - 2016/11/22

Why is it that so many men with uncut cocks don't fill out that sections of their profiles. Guys uncut is beautiful , sexy , not plain hot. Their are a lot of us that love them.

8 response(s), 17 votes
ucanluvme 94 男
3  質問
Naughty Photo's - 2016/11/4

What kind of a photo rates being classified as "naughty" ?

7 response(s), 7 votes
Nlrcocklover 85 男
1  質問
No Cum - 2016/9/9

I'm an older man, and my balls have dried up...can my cum be revitalized? Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution...food or revitalizer? A few years back when I didn't have a problem, there was a person who claimed they could help a guy have loads of nice tasting cum...HELP? I will appreciate it.

3 response(s), 7 votes
GunjiTarful 55 男
2  質問
ESTIM - 2016/8/26

Does anyone out there enjoy Electro sex. Addendum: 20160909

Love to see images of all of your ESTIM equipment.

7 response(s), 5 votes
bitchboy69used 45 男
1  質問
finding someone close - 2016/7/8

is it hard to find someone that lives close to you because I am just asking?

3 response(s), 3 votes
uncutguy1952 73 男
1  質問
Cam views - 2016/5/27

Now all standard members get the can't view more than one camera at a time message even when they are not viewing any others. Is the soft ware on this site going the way of Adultfriendfinders and being so bad no body want to use the sites?

3 response(s), 9 votes
ghostgirlv333 64 T
18  質問
porn question - 2016/5/12

what do you guys think of parody porn ? do you care that that someone thought to make the connection between A. content like star wars and B. fucking do you like the production values like costume detail? or do you get a kick that someone actually threw money at this to make it happen?

4 response(s), 1 vote
advent43 68 男
11  質問
My minimalist Hotlist - 2016/5/6

Hey Folks, Was wondering if all standard members can only hotlist 10 or 12 people in their "my Stuff" folders. The reason I ask is that my experience with other Various Inc sites I can hotlist as many as 180 people, so why so few on Outpersonals?

3 response(s), 4 votes
ghostgirlv333 64 T
18  質問
ass hole question - 2016/5/3

why do some people have butt holes that look like balloon knots and then you have people who ass holes look like maitake mushrooms why does this happen?

9 response(s), 8 votes
mosaif_06 67 男
2  質問
Who is into Rimming? - 2016/5/3

An occasional sex buddy asked if I would be interested in rimming him. Since I am into giving pleasure to others I said I may consider it. Watched some videos on the subject and seems like do-able'.. What concerns me is the health aspects. Any views from those who are experienced in this?

5 response(s), 8 votes
dell_creek 67 男
1  質問
WANTED YOUNG !!!!!!!!!!Girly Sissy Boys with BOOBS - 2016/5/2

When I was much younger 14, I was slim had big boy boobs and passed as a girl when dressed up.. Love to chat with boys who are like what I was

2 response(s), 3 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
why??? - 2016/4/16

This supposed to be the worlds largest gay site lol. But 70-80 % are bi or bi curious. Where are the men that want a passionate relationship not just sux n fux. Still like to kiss n cuddle, its still a big turn on. Let me know how you men feel.

5 response(s), 7 votes
micharober910 70 男
4  質問
Has anyone seen Samson? - 2016/4/10

Samson, I know your out there.....

1 response(s), 0 votes
micharober910 70 男
4  質問
Looking close to home? - 2016/4/10

All the views are well received, I would like to have ones closer to home so men make it happen and lets get in touch, Please?

5 response(s), 6 votes
micharober910 70 男
4  質問
When responding to views..... - 2016/4/5

So many on here are window shopping, after someone looks at your profile numerous times you choose to send mail. Why can these individuals respond to you? At least one can say thank you but no thank you.... Lets treat everyone with respect.

4 response(s), 4 votes
micharober910 70 男
4  質問
Who is real here? - 2016/3/27

So many lookers and no one seems to be real!

19 response(s), 3 votes
kim_love 37 T
1  質問
Meeting - 2016/3/26

Has anyone ever met anybody using this site, and if so did you meet up again?

16 response(s), 7 votes
DaButt69 48 男
2  質問
Sex With The Boss' Son - 2016/3/15

My boss has been hitting on me for months. I repeatedly turn him down because I don't think its wise to sleep with your boss. Well, One night I meet this young guy at a club. About 23 years old. We talked, laughed, and danced. Then I invited him back to my house and we had great sex. The next morning at work, I go into my boss' office and there's a picture of the guy on his filing ...

4 response(s), 11 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
what happened here - 2016/2/24

At one time this was very interesting, now not so much. As time goes by people view your profile flirt, hot list you, e- mail, you return the favor even chat or try to. Its almost like the lights on , and nobodies home or just bidding from view. No one seems to be where. Does anyone else see these issues. Please feel to give your input.

7 response(s), 9 votes
advent43 68 男
11  質問
Any suggestions for the toy box - 2016/2/11

I just went on the Adam Male site shopping for something new and found 2 pages of anal toys that might fit the bill. Since my interest is in prostate stimulation, I'd prefer to focus on the most comfortable and effective of that genre. There are quite a variety of types and shapes and I wonder if you guys could offer some input on the latest and perhaps greatest?

1 response(s), 7 votes
lrning2fly 70 男
3  質問
Why? - 2016/1/19

I am a standard member, as everyone knows standard members CANNOT read emails, so tell me why you send me mail ? Is there a point that you do not understand?

2 response(s), 7 votes
lrning2fly 70 男
3  質問
Meeting someone? - 2016/1/18

I am sure this has been asked before but does anyone really meet anyone on this site, all I ever see are lookers... I know I am standard member so.... I am having a hard time believing anyone really meets?

4 response(s), 6 votes
advent43 68 男
11  質問
Does this make any kind of business sense? - 2016/1/12

As a Gold member, I enjoyed all of the benefits associated with the paid membership and assumed that ALL of my sent email reached the designated members and was readable by them, regardless of their membership status. Just recently my Gold expired and I figured I'd just be a standard for a while. An odd thing occurred however in that I cannot read or answer mail sent to me by gold members. ...

8 response(s), 15 votes
gayperthman 64 男
2  質問
Tayside Action - 2015/12/28

Hi guys I am looking for some fun and action this January as my wife will be out of town, we can meet at my place, your place or a local hotel, I am paying so if any of guys or ladies are interested let me know. I love sucking cock, anal and pleasing my lover, it can be a fun time xxxxxxxxxxx

2 response(s), 4 votes
lrning2fly 70 男
3  質問
sucking cock... - 2015/12/5

If you liked cut cock would you suck an uncut one.....

9 response(s), 11 votes
ucanluvme 94 男
3  質問
Magazine Active ? - 2015/11/19

This Magazine don't seem to be active anymore?

3 response(s), 4 votes
00016 117 男
4  質問
In response to updating - 2015/10/20

There seems to be some regulars here why doesn't everyone just post some question to this board so it updates at least once a week. I am willing to if others are also

4 response(s), 4 votes
sirlovenuts 59 男
1  質問
shaved pubic hair? - 2015/10/10

I love a shaved cock! Everytime I shave, even with a brand new razor, I end up with a rash. I have tried dove soap and shaving cream and to no avail, I end up with a rash. Its not from sweat because it happens right after I shave. I have tried Nair and it doesn't seem to remove the hair, even if i keep it on the full 10 minutes. I dont have very thick hair either. I was wondering if anyone has a ...

10 response(s), 9 votes
Jofung_ 66 男
2  質問
Passive and Aktive at the same level - 2015/10/7

Hallo friends. When I put a question here it does not mean I have certain thinking and I wish to force to others, to be agree with me, but really these are the questions rais in my mind . There are milns. of more intellegent Peoplethan I who may reply in a better way as I think. So I get benifit from those replies. Well now my question to you all is, Is it normal that a Person is Passive and has ...

3 response(s), 6 votes
ucanluvme 94 男
3  質問
Updates - 2015/10/6

Don't they ever update the questions?

2 response(s), 6 votes
Jofung_ 66 男
2  質問
Why the men wear Women's dress? - 2015/8/17

Hallo, I am always confused why the men love to wear women's Dress when there own Body is very attrective and they are far better without women's Dress. For exampel the women Need a breast halter to Keep their breast Holding in. Men do not Need it. i think when somebody is homosexual, he likes the men's Body. In homosexuality the men's Body has attrection . Otherwise why he is going away fron ...

8 response(s), 4 votes
discreetman53 71 男
5  質問
Dressing for a reaction. - 2015/8/11

I don't think that I could ever go out and about, where all kinds of guys are doing their own thing, and not check out their stuff. I check out guys from behind as they walk past, or if standing in the checkout line, watching them shop or view their phone, that kind of thing. I usually take an overview look at a guy. Thick or thin, hair or bald, facial hair or shaved, dressed well or poorly, tall ...

6 response(s), 7 votes
Montman56 86 男
2  質問
How can a man find other men with similar needs - 2015/8/5

I am an older Bi male seeking a Montana male who enjoys m2m fun, and can be discrete.Are there any interested males?

3 response(s), 4 votes
maxcargoplay 46 男
1  質問
Nudists - 2015/8/1

Any of you guys go to nudist camps? If so, do you know of any in Norway, maybe in Scandinavia (and preferably guys only)

1 response(s), 0 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
why??? - 2015/7/17

Why is it so hard for people to read bios n profiles. I mean I state my likes n get e mails , flirts, hot listed by people that I'm not interested in. At times just f n crude . I try to make nice and respond, but some get all bent out shape. I like to hear your opinions

4 response(s), 8 votes
gayperthman 64 男
2  質問
My Neighbors Part 3 - 2015/7/3

Sad to say my Philippino neighbors are returning home, only Leo is still here and he is becoming a lot more aggressive for sex. I am a bit worried my wife might notice my disappearing act but so far she has said nothing. Leo has the house to himself and of course he has me to himself and he is loving it. I really am his sex slave now. I have sex with him almost everyday and it is hard work. My ...

3 response(s), 8 votes
niceandshy53 64 男
4  質問
cock - 2015/6/15

i love uncut cock they look so good to me

9 response(s), 21 votes
marvitto1 54 男
4  質問
Sex between Men - 2015/6/15

I am curious if there are any man couples out there that are not actively practising anal sex. I am currently with a boyfriend and have been together for a while now. But it has also been a very long while since we have done the deed. We have done the occasional, blowjob and hand job, but as the months pass by, it has begun to be less and less frequent but we do cuddle a lot. Surprisingly, I ...

2 response(s), 6 votes
niceandshy53 64 男
4  質問
under wear - 2015/6/13

what is the best to wear

11 response(s), 4 votes
niceandshy53 64 男
4  質問
cock rings - 2015/6/13

i wont to get my cock done what you

0 response(s), 4 votes
niceandshy53 64 男
4  質問
shaving - 2015/6/13

what the best way to remove hair from the nuts

5 response(s), 5 votes
luvhardbodies162 63 男
1  質問
First-time Bottom - 2015/3/27

Starting to consider trying the bottom position as of late.....never have given it any consideration until just recently. After swimming last evening as I was showering I placed a finger in my ass and the nerve endings toward the the front end of the rectum were amazingly sensitive and convinced me to look into this farther as I think I may really like this!

Just wondering if you guys ...

5 response(s), 8 votes
cityboy57 67 男
1  質問
Being naked outdoors? - 2015/3/22

I would love to find a great place, in the lower Hudson Valley, N.Y. Where you can be naked outdoors, very remote.I have`nt been naked outdoors for years.

6 response(s), 18 votes
kleemann 64 男
2  質問
Are there any gay guys in Tayside? Scotland - 2015/3/8

I have tried contacting several guys in Tayside Scotland and beyond and made no contact whatsoever. When I was in Asia I made 1000's of contacts within minutes of being on OP. But now back in the UK zerro, zerro zerro, I am reduced to wanking non stop, come on guys there must be someone needing his cock sucked, I will even provide the accommodation, I just want man to man sex........

4 response(s), 3 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
Wondering about the closet... - 2015/2/28

Does being in the closet make getting cock more exciting for you?

I'm in the closet, always have been. I actually enjoy it this way. Some years ago I called a phone number for gay/bi men who wanted to contact other men for sex. I was put in contact with a local guy and we met. We had some fantastic sex and the fact we were both in the closet made it so naughty and exciting for me. ...

10 response(s), 21 votes
greytop55 64 男
1  質問
New top and new to this site - 2015/1/24

I just joined this site and I am new to being a top. I've only topped once with a bottom on a CL hook up. Loved it, but not the CL site lol. I'm seeking an experienced bottom{s} to teach me all there is to know. Do you think I'll have better luck here finding a willing teacher? I think about topping all the time now and can't wait to do it again!

8 response(s), 6 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
Can a cock be too big for your liking? - 2015/1/24

Before you instantly reply with 'no way!'... consider this;

1) I met a younger guy who had a massive boner. I mean I was shocked when I seen it... It had to be at least 13-14 inches long and massively thick. It was simply beautiful.... But I couldn't get it up me. No way. I tried for some time, but there was no way it was going to fit inside me. So I sucked him as ...

17 response(s), 21 votes
HornyButt69 48 男
1  質問
Horny Boss - 2015/1/21

I was at a company party recently and my boss grabbed my ass. I dismissed because he was a little drunk. But yesterday at work he did it again. It turned me on but then again, this is my boss. What do I do?

7 response(s), 3 votes
kleemann 64 男
2  質問
gay scene in Perth and Dundee Tayside - 2015/1/18

Hi Guys,

I need some help here, are there any Gay friendly bars / clubs in the Tayside area where I can meet like minded guys or any place where I have a very good chance of meeting Gay guys / Bisexual guys. I am getting seriously horny and not sucked a cock in many months and my pussy is getting tight. Your suggestions welcome

1 response(s), 2 votes
tomokato2549 55 男
2  質問
ESTIM,ENEMAS ETC - 2015/1/12

Anyone out there into Electro Stimulation, Enemas, restraints and so on, , like to know.

3 response(s), 2 votes
tsckabfckdbu 83 男
1  質問
Anal and oral sex - 2015/1/1

Is there anyone out there who is std free and a non smoker who would like to fuck me in my non dentured mouth and/or in my well lubricated ass?

4 response(s), 12 votes
cahsed 69 男
1  質問
What is the scores associated with people who contribute articles and such - 2014/12/30

Have noticed that there is a score associated with people that contribute articles and such and was wondering what are these scores for and how are they derived.

0 response(s), 4 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
What did you do when you were youngervthat still get's you horny? - 2014/12/30

I got crazy horny at about 10 years of age. I started jerking off anywhere from 3-6 times a day. That was it for me until I was 13. I met a new friend of the family, he was an older guy - about 55 - who we became 'friends'.....

He used to suck me sooo good... I wanted him to do it to me all day. Every day. I went to stay with him for a while and I slept in his bed for a while where he ...

8 response(s), 7 votes
Sabu0712 72 男
1  質問
That one thing - 2014/12/29

What is that one thing you never did but would do in a heartbeat if you really had the chance - not a fantasy but really would do. Im sure you all have a long list, as do I, but your #1 thing to do. Me I guess it would be to give a guy a blowjob with a woman (women) watching or give a real shemale a blowjob....on film.

5 response(s), 4 votes
cool5050 72 男
5  質問
Really? - 2014/11/5

Just once I would like to have someone contact me, ask for the service I'm willing to perform according to my profile, and like that

I'm enjoying a nice cock!!!

6 response(s), 11 votes
Boby775 44 T
1  質問
New here, need some guidelines on how to find a friend. - 2014/10/22

New here, need some guidelines on how to find a friend?

3 response(s), 4 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
older men - 2014/10/12

I'm not experienced to m2m but I know what I want, older men 60 + , uncut, and horny, like kiss n cuddle, someone to learn with. So why is it so hard to find a sex partner.

5 response(s), 15 votes
bluebot_tom 61 男
1  質問
Nipples - 2014/10/10

Hey there is a great feeling there in the nipple, what is in it for you. Do you love that good long sucking giving the penetration you need to feel good

5 response(s), 10 votes
donaldh 75 男
6  質問
Your opinion please - 2014/10/4

I've lived my life as a straight man, however, when ever I had sex with a woman, I would lose my erection about half-way through the act and then I would pretend that I was with a man, the erection would return and I could finish. I did give a bj when I was 11 years old, and enjoyed it totally. Am I bi, or should I come out as gay.

5 response(s), 6 votes
sparky696969 63 男
81  質問
clip my frenulum - 2014/10/2

My urologist said my frenulum is in the wrong place and he is going to clip it on Dec. the 16, has anyone had that done and how painful will it be ? thanks sparky

3 response(s), 3 votes
Luvcock1253 72 男
4  質問
3 some - 2014/9/5

Could you do a 3 some with another guy and your wife or GF?

10 response(s), 6 votes
SEP46 78 男
1  質問
For us older guys that have had to deal with prostate cancer........ - 2014/8/29

If you can get hard and climax, is being able to cum all that important? The feeling is the same on this side, the cum just goes into the bladder instead of out the penis. How important is cum to you?

8 response(s), 9 votes
Itsmytime 62 男
2  質問
Cruising spots in Seattle? - 2014/8/28

Where to meet a man....

0 response(s), 1 vote
Itsmytime 62 男
2  質問
Where is good place tomeet my first man in Seattle? - 2014/8/28

Want park or bar or venue to meet The man who takes my virginity....

0 response(s), 1 vote
straitbicurious 66 男
1  質問
how to suck a dick - 2014/8/23

i am about to suck my first cock, when i can find one, any tips, do's or don't. is swallowing always expected. any tips will be appreciated.I really want to make a good first impression.

5 response(s), 6 votes
Luvcock1253 72 男
4  質問
Self Suck ? - 2014/8/7

If you could suck your own cock would you? Would you cum in your own mouth? You better believe I would, no question about it.

6 response(s), 13 votes
jan4667 77 男
2  質問
webcams - 2014/7/29

Can anyone help me on a technical subject.not being too tech savvy, I recently installed a new cam, a Logitech HD c615 and all anyone sees is a black screen when I attempt to broadcast, I appreciate any and all advice someone can give me...Thank you

2 response(s), 2 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
male parties - 2014/7/24

Are there any male groups in Massachusetts that get together for a sex parties or that are interested in forming a group for hotel sex parties. Interested in mature men 50 and up. Or possibility of bi open sex parties same age group.

0 response(s), 3 votes
valk2002 73 男
1  質問
Skin - 2014/7/19

Why do some cock have alot of loose skin on them that you can pull over the head , and most don't?

2 response(s), 6 votes
Luvcock1253 72 男
4  質問
Shemales - 2014/7/9

Was wondering how you guys feel about "real shemales" not CD's. Personally I love them, it's the only porn I watch. I cant believe guy's get paid to have sex with them, and suck their cocks, I would do it for free. There are several shemale stars I would give a blowjob to in a heartbeat and wouldn't want a penny for doing it.

10 response(s), 17 votes
Luvcock1253 72 男
4  質問
Gum Job - 2014/7/9

If you knew a person wore dentures would you let him take them out and give you a gum'er? I personally never had the experience but would love to get one. Please keep in mind you don't have to be 90 to loose your teeth, there are a million reasons a person can loose their teeth. Yes I have my teeth.

3 response(s), 4 votes
cool5050 72 男
5  質問
This older thing??? - 2014/7/8

I don't think it's and older thing, I think it's having to hook up, who will host, all the how & when... For the most part Outpersonal makes contacting someone hard, and most people are not sure of this site anymore, ,, ,, Well that's my take on it! How about yours

5 response(s), 9 votes
Elwitmon 66 男
1  質問
Length - 2014/6/8

When you are measuring the length of your cock, do you measure from tip to base or from tip to balls?

4 response(s), 3 votes
bluebottomTom 61 男
1  質問
Is a slender penis enticing - 2014/6/8

He gave his all to find in the end the jit was rick & thick and just sufficient to keep them alive, but the stranger was more abundantly in the hope of enticing them to stay with his slim penis and wants them to come back for more this time. The touchy soft head & length is there except how slim is to slim for you.

5 response(s), 7 votes
sparky696969 63 男
81  質問
Need some hepl please - 2014/6/7

My high school did not have the book, everything you need to know about your penis, can someone please tell me, just how far back should the skin be able to move on an uncircumcised penis ? i have looked and looked on the net and can not find an answer, what i do find is, some say just behind the "head" others say it should move all the way to the base, which is it ? i have a very short ...

3 response(s), 4 votes
cool5050 72 男
5  質問
Why????? - 2014/5/30

If the wheel works, Why do you guys keep changing it??? For the amount we gold and V.I.P. members pay we sure done get what we pay for!! At least I feel this way..........

0 response(s), 2 votes
cool5050 72 男
5  質問
Why????? - 2014/5/30

If the wheel works, Why do you guys keep changing it??? For the amount we gold and V.I.P. members pay we sure done get what we pay for!! At least I feel this way..........

2 response(s), 7 votes
cool5050 72 男
5  質問
Why????? - 2014/5/30

If the wheel works, Why do you guys keep changing it??? For the amount we gold and V.I.P. members pay we sure done get what we pay for!! At least I feel this way..........

0 response(s), 2 votes
jan4667 77 男
2  質問
A little bit of kink - 2014/5/29

How many 'bottoms' like to be spanked(from playful to real) before, during or after sex, either while roleplaying or just for the wantoness of it.

12 response(s), 5 votes
ghostgirlv333 64 T
18  質問
adult time travel - 2014/5/15

if you could go back in time what sex tips would you go back and give yourself

5 response(s), 6 votes
ghostgirlv333 64 T
18  質問
for the tops your legs open or closed - 2014/4/29

ok you got someone and your about to go doggie style and they get down and spread there knees out making you have to spread your legs out even wider to get down and go to town or you do readjust them so you can close your legs and get to it what do you do and why?

2 response(s), 6 votes
lovestick6969 51 男
14  質問
soft to hard? - 2014/4/24

One of my favourite things is to have my dick sucked while its still soft and feel it grow into the other guys mouth. And I absolutely love giving head to a guy who's soft, making it grow, filling my mouth.

does anyone else really enjoy this too?

13 response(s), 19 votes
sparky696969 63 男
81  質問
your advice please - 2014/4/1

I have a male friend who is 22, his dad died when he was 6 and has lived with his mother, all this time without a man in his life as a dad. he is learning disadvantaged and because of this he never went to grade school, Jr. high or high school and has never been around other boys his age. i found out the other day by accident that he knows nothing about sex and jacking off, should i tell him ? ...

5 response(s), 10 votes
freakblkbisexual 46 男
1  質問
Never had anal sex. - 2014/3/11

I have been bi for years but a part of me is afraid to try anal sex. I hear it will hurt and i have even heard some guys say there ass was bleeding. I want to try it so bad. i keep thinking about having a dick in my ass as a guys rubs my nipples. Does anyone have any advice on this ????

8 response(s), 12 votes
sparky696969 63 男
81  質問
brother is also gay - 2014/2/10

I just discovered my brother is also gay, what is the best way to ask him to jack me off ?

7 response(s), 7 votes
XXX2B 54 男
1  質問
Color of semen? - 2014/1/10

Has anyone had a color like redish/pink seman?

2 response(s), 2 votes
donaldh 75 男
6  質問
How to get noticed - 2014/1/6

I have recently accepted the fact that I am gay, however I find it difficult to meet men who enjoy the same sexuality (maybe it's because I am a late bloomer). Is there any thing that I can wear to let other men of the same sexual leaning know that I am available?

1 response(s), 8 votes
Samsung44 53 男
1  質問
How do i practice correct hygiene if I want to participate in anal sex - 2014/1/3

I am sure that this question has been asked a million times or more but I have never been with a guy but at the rather mature age of 42 I am at last in a place in my life where I would like to experience sex with a man. I have had lots of fun times on my own playing with my ass but have never been able to fully master the cleaning routine.. can any one offer me any tips Please

3 response(s), 10 votes
ladd2046 79 男
1  質問
Longest member on OP - 2013/12/22

Just looked at my title and realized that it can be taken more than one way. While I would enjoy seeing pictures of the guys with the longest members on OP, what I'm curious about is who has been a member of OP the longest. Anyone know when OP was started?

4 response(s), 5 votes
Enculer 59 男
1  質問
Fisting lube - 2013/12/20

Being a total bottom I love having my hole worked and stretched. I tried being fisted a few times many years ago but never managed to achieve it and gave up trying as I have small hips and wonder if my my pelvic bones get in the way.

I am very keen to try again and looking for advice on whether it is possible that my small hips do prevent me taking a fist. I would also be grateful for ...

5 response(s), 3 votes
robdessertrider 66 男
1  質問
Gay Bathhouses - 2013/12/15

I have been to Gay bath houses in several cities, Denver, Colorado Springs, and Las Vegas. Have any of you been to these and did you have a good experience? I have from outright fucking amazing hookups, to absolutely no action whatever. Just curious if your having the same results.

7 response(s), 7 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
fake frauds phonies outpersonals. - 2013/10/25

One question , you flirt, hot list, e-mail , then disappear when comes to meeting. Why? Don't want to hear from the regular responders to this cause most of you are so full of it, how's about some new people or just ones tired of all the crap some of you dish out.

3 response(s), 9 votes
donaldh 75 男
6  質問
Milking - 2013/9/14

What does it mean when your partner says that he wants to milk you.

3 response(s), 2 votes
hotass2ball 51 男
2  質問
Quality Sex - 2013/9/5

How many guys of a quality sex calibur are looking for a hot ass to fuck. Well I am looking for an energetic top........Any cummers?

0 response(s), 6 votes
hotass2ball 51 男
2  質問
Deep Throat - 2013/8/28

I enjoy my lovers cock in my throat, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, any advice

3 response(s), 4 votes
geimy111 54 男
1  質問
NES for fun - 2013/8/3

Let me ask you something is fun too, but is having sex in the bathroom with a partner you love strongly starts to take off his clothes and then START him with kisses and lick nipples and then go down to the cock and begin suck strongly and super fun and go down to the balls sucking greedily and then lick butt how this fun than approve hope to comment, and wants to add I'm OK, you absolute ...

2 response(s), 2 votes
manboybigcock 37 男
1  質問
mu nam toni from belgium singel man old 26 skipe nam toni.mendes8 - 2013/8/3

im with sexy man hard spiren iam singel man live belgium

0 response(s), 1 vote
ilovetoswallow 68 男
1  質問
adultery - 2013/7/30

i want to know if it is considered adultery if a married man has sex with a man

6 response(s), 5 votes
geimy11 54 男
1  質問
It is not fair - 2013/7/19

It is not fair that is converted to a person of the old members in the membership of gold, a member of Standard and prohibited from contact or see on profile your friends, this prejudice has to be a flexibility in dealing We homosexuals suffer us suffer from pressure from governments tyrant and when we have an opportunity and port meet through and build relationships considered folds of miles ...

1 response(s), 3 votes
gbbeamer4242 64 男
1  質問
ass - 2013/7/17

what is is like to have someone up your ass i have tried didos before but it hurts alot how do loosing my self you to enjoy the feeling

4 response(s), 6 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
oral - 2013/7/12

When performing oral do like the sweet pre-cum or the

end load

5 response(s), 7 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
oral - 2013/7/12

When performing oral do like the sweet pre-cum or the

end load

5 response(s), 5 votes
smoothtime_ahead 56 男
3  質問
How far will you go - 2013/7/5

Yeah so I have proposition's to meet an get my dick wet & what I came on this site for.

How many miles will you travel to be with someone; To cure your sex drive & companionship on a regular basis.

6 response(s), 6 votes
Kinktoy 32 男
1  質問
Would you fuck me? - 2013/7/4

Would you fuck me? Or at least suck on your musket I can't seem to get anybody to at least jerkoff over me.

10 response(s), 11 votes
smoothtime_ahead 56 男
3  質問
Never touched you - 2013/6/29

What really can get you in a bad mood about something that never touches you physically???

As for me (At the wrong time )it can be a lie told about me. Or naturally waking up on the wrong side of the bed can turn into a crummy day.

Life deals me another chance everyday to have a 50/50% chance either for a Good or Bad one. Yesterday reminds of that; You never know what tommorow ...

4 response(s), 2 votes
sparky696969 63 男
81  質問
W A R N I N G ! - 2013/6/26

If you use adam4adam or manhunt, >>>watch out for heyya21 he says he is 18, i found out by accident when I saw him i asked for his drivers license, it was then he told me he did not have one, he said he is only 15 ! Needless to say, I left

4 response(s), 8 votes
smoothtime_ahead 56 男
3  質問
What draws your attention - 2013/6/23

So tell me what normally draws you in & gives you the interest to being partners? Is it basically only the personality/character that will give you the best joy apart from what we men get the feel for?

6 response(s), 6 votes
jbl99 49 男
1  質問
making the right move - 2013/6/20

After shaking off the denial, I know that I can only be satisfied by men. But, I am still deep in the closet.

That being said, I'm allowing myself to acknowledge when I'm in the presence of an attractive man. Yesterday, I was buying groceries and saw a guy that made me buzz with excitement. He was a store employee who worked in the meat department (not making this up). The name on his ...

6 response(s), 4 votes
donaldh 75 男
6  質問
How Do I? - 2013/6/18

I recently posted on here that I had found my true being, and that I had given my first BJ. I have been with my boyfriend a few times now and have a problem. How do I overcome the gag reflex?

5 response(s), 6 votes
joel4995 76 男
1  質問
Anal Douche - 2013/6/16

Is there a limit on how many times you should douche in a day? Should I use anything other than warm water?

2 response(s), 7 votes
upbiseven 79 男
1  質問
browse button "gay couple" - 2013/6/15

it seems Outpersonals is the only site with this problem. when i click browse and then "couples (2 men)seeking men" i find all the entries are of single guys looking for partners. apparently, members don't understand this catagory. anyone notice this and have an idea how to correct it? contact OP directly? (mm, maybe i just answered my own question)

3 response(s), 4 votes
donaldh 75 男
6  質問
I need advice ll - 2013/6/8

I want to thank everyone for their great comments! I just gave my first BJ and was hard as a rock during the entire time. Was never so excited in my whole life. I now realize that I am GAY and love the feeling.

4 response(s), 11 votes
FitProfess74 50 男
1  質問
Closet Gay? - 2013/6/3

I'm straight-acting, typically attracted to women type of guy, but have fantasized all my life about sucking cock. I can't shake it and it's the one thing that always turns me on. Am I gay or bi, and how would you recommend I go about making fantasy a reality and knowing for sure?

8 response(s), 12 votes
donaldh 75 男
6  質問
I need advise - 2013/5/30

When I started having sex with women I would lose my erection and would not cum. Then one time it happened and I started wondered what it would be like to be with a man, and my erection returned and I was able to finish. This became a pattern with me; as I've gotten older I think less about sex with a woman and more about being with a man. My question is: am I gay or Bisexual? At this point I am ...

6 response(s), 6 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
cuddle n kisses - 2013/5/19

Why are so many guys afraid to cuddle n kiss, but are willing to give head n rim but but won't kiss , I just don't understand why ,

10 response(s), 12 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
older prt.2 - 2013/5/18

Older males as in 50's-70's are so much better partners. Especially uncut , something so sexy about this group of men. They know what they want.know how to use it.and just seem to be better at it. Only problem I found is great bodies terrific looking cocks, but so many are bottoms. So sad, just keep searching.

7 response(s), 11 votes
sparky696969 63 男
81  質問
frenulum removed - 2013/5/17

Anyone on here have their frenulum tied to remove it ? Did you do it yourself or did a doctor tie it ? Was there any pain ? How long did pain last ? an blood ? mine is to short and needs to go later

3 response(s), 2 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
older - 2013/5/3

Where are all the horny older men? The ones that are looking for more a quick fix. The men that like to hang out naked , snuggle, make out, lick n suck, bury the bone , heavy cummers. Uncut looking for regular get togethers with who loves lots of sex.

10 response(s), 14 votes
scotty36134 81 男
1  質問
Search feature? - 2013/4/25

I have a member's name. What happened to the search engine to view His Profile?

1 response(s), 2 votes
kinkyniteowl 51 男
1  質問
HOOK UPS - 2013/4/4

Is this site for real?? Does or has anyone hooked up on this site??

6 response(s), 6 votes
towelrack2004 57 男
2  質問
3some questions - 2013/4/3

I have been in few over the years with other men. I seem to be in the middle of a couple most of the time. Other times its 3 strangers. But when I was in a straight 3 some, me, a woman and another man all I wanted to do was show her ho to suck his cock right. I never got the chance as there was no m2m contact. If this happened again, any suggestions on how to talk about it? I am bi, but the guy ...

2 response(s), 5 votes
sexstraved2 67 男
13  質問
why - 2013/3/30

Why is it so hard to find someone that we're interested in . You state you're interest , age, cut or uncut , size etc. And the replies are from people not even in your range. Don't people read ? Is it so hard to find people who want good times , hot horny fun, good.old ffashion sex.

2 response(s), 4 votes
dpout 42 男
2  質問
Can you accept? - 2013/3/12

Recently one of my friend who is older than me (probably 10+), he wants me to be his bf? can you accept a man older than you? ...

5 response(s), 9 votes
dpout 42 男
2  質問
Could you give me some advice about can you accept a woman that older than you probably 5+ to be you - 2013/3/12

Could you give me some advice about can you accept a man that older than you probably 10+ to be your bf?

2 response(s), 6 votes
sensayuma148 80 男
1  質問
Why can't I post? - 2013/3/6

Are standard members forbidden to post? I've tried several times and when I press "post, " I scroll down to where I entered and my post is not there. I subscribed under a username, forgot what it was, and resuscribed under an new handle, but there shouldn't be any connection between the two as I'm using different email addresses. What gives?

2 response(s), 5 votes
highstreet69 49 男
2  質問
wanting to kiss and touch in public - 2013/2/5

i cant stop thinking about meeting a stranger in a public place and being pulled off to the side somewhere and kissing and touching each other in a public place. I get soo hard and horny and its all i can think about. will you help me make my dream come true ?? xoxox

im in Chattanooga. but will travel to close places for the right fun xoxo

2 response(s), 12 votes
jesse6977 65 男
6  質問
Watching partner - 2013/1/27

Do you enjoy watching your partner or best sex buddy having sex with another guy??

5 response(s), 10 votes
ggleny 67 男
1  質問
Do many married men fantasize about taking cock > - 2013/1/21

When discussing sex many married men do secretly admit that they think about men' cock. many of them are too afraid to admit it but they do look at porn and wish they were in the receiving end/

12 response(s), 11 votes
marvitto1 54 男
4  質問
Discretion - 2013/1/15

I am in the closet but do meet from time to time, some guys who look like they want to be friends. I am open to meeting new friends but how do I know if a guy has more on his mind?

5 response(s), 10 votes
luvwetdk 39 男
7  質問
Bathroom Stalls - 2013/1/6

I'm just curious on how many people actually call the numbers that are written on the Restroom Stalls? I have always seen them, but wondered if they may just be a prank from some kids putting their friends number up. Then again what if its the real deal but its a random janitor.

4 response(s), 10 votes
jesse6977 65 男
6  質問
coming out - 2013/1/6

For years I have considered myself bi sexual. ALways have a girlfriend but have sex with men often and of course in secret. I always enjoyed sex with men much more than woman. I now have decided that I am in fact gay. I really dont enjoy sex with woman just went thru the motions. So I decided to come out as they say. What is the best way to proceed. Do I just tell all my friends and family ...

2 response(s), 12 votes
jesse6977 65 男
6  質問
doctors - 2012/12/27

If you are not out, do you confide in your doctor or urologist that you have sex with men. I recently had my doctor check me for hemoroids and I think he was about to ask me if I have anal sex but he hesitated. I guess I should have told him but my girlfriend also goes to him.

3 response(s), 13 votes
iDomTop 57 男
1  質問
Dumb question about the videos - 2012/12/23


I'm just wondering if there are any gay videos in your "watch adult movies" section. I see a few bi, andn there's enough cock in the fetish and gangbang sections for some fun, but do you have any videos there like the ones you review? Thanks much.


0 response(s), 4 votes
jesse6977 65 男
6  質問
To suck or be sucked? That is the question. - 2012/12/20

I see that on most cruising sites there are more men who want to suck cock then there are men who want to be sucked. I also see that at the local glory hole that I frequent there are many more men who want to give blow jobs than get them. Its almost a competition to get a cock to suck and most younger men prefer to get sucked by a younger man. I'm older and experienced and can give a great ...

16 response(s), 12 votes
highstreet69 49 男
2  質問
wanting to fulfill a fantasy - 2012/11/8

i cant stop thinking about meeting a stranger in a public place and being pulled off to the side somewhere and kissing and touching each other in a public place. I get soo hard and horny and its all i can think about. will you help me make my dream come true ?? xoxox

4 response(s), 12 votes
discreetman53 71 男
5  質問
Saturday night? - 2012/11/3

Tell me, What do you do on Saturday night? Is there a regular thing you do? I sometimes go to Barnes and Noble, as example. Do you extend yourself when you go out on Saturday night? Meet new people, especially of the gay kind? In my area I haven't figured out where I can meet men like myself. Maybe we can pattern some regular place thats cool for old fucks, like me, that want to gather. Not ...

4 response(s), 7 votes
hornyboy88 36 男
1  質問
Would you fuck me? - 2012/10/17


10 response(s), 26 votes
horney_in_pv 69 男
1  質問
my profile was cut off--why? - 2012/10/17

I can't find out how to contact OP to find out why they cut off my profile. They've given me the standard formula about being too short, Offensive(?) addresses or HTML etc. but I don't have any of that in my profile. I've even put P____ for penis and C___ for cock, Can anybody give me a way to reach them and ask "what gives"? Opps with the "P and C" words this will probably get cut off also.

0 response(s), 5 votes
bottom4top442 80 男
1  質問
Where am I going wrong? - 2012/10/7

Look at my profile. Since I joined this site I have received 1 email and nothing else. I joined to meet people. What's wrong that chases people away. bottom4top442

5 response(s), 5 votes
notdoneyet61 74 男
1  質問
Douche - 2012/10/2

Can any of you tell me what you use to get ready for anal? I have like a hot water bottle with a tube on it but have no idea what to put in it to clean out. Anybody want to help me out?

6 response(s), 9 votes
deer181818 61 男
1  質問
not looking for love - 2012/9/28

Why is it so hard finding somebody that would like to just fuck me, I would really like to once or twice a week to be ass fucked

2 response(s), 6 votes
ineedtraining 64 男
1  質問
Gentle Training or Just Forced? - 2012/9/27

What would be the best way for a bicurious guy to learn how to suck a guys cock? Being taught gently and slowly, or just being forced to suck? I think I might like to be forced but I really don't know which way would work for me.

7 response(s), 9 votes
raygun7139 80 男
2  質問
Giving good head - 2012/9/20

I would love to add to my repertoire of oral sex techniques. So far I have just done to others what I like having done to me, but I have what seem to be unusual tastes in what I like in receiving a blow job, so it’s very likely that most of the men for whom I have provided oral sex either enjoy things I’m not doing, don’t enjoy some of the things I am doing, or maybe some of both. I have ...

4 response(s), 11 votes
raygun7139 80 男
2  質問
online members - 2012/9/10

I have been on this site back and forth for probably three or four years, and normally, when I click on the "who's online" link, especially in the early evening to the late night, I get several pages of online members. I have just recently rejoined the site, and, when I clicked on the "online" link just a moment ago, there was less than a page-and-a-half of people online. And for the past few ...

7 response(s), 6 votes
hathhost 78 男
4  質問
Deleting email messages - 2012/9/1

During the last couple of days I have tried to delete email messages in outpersonals.com. I have been unable to do so and have got the message "error on page" at the lower left hand corner.

2 response(s), 5 votes
1  質問
My fist time - 2012/8/18

Im new at this. I have never had a guy, but when I talk on here I really want one. I have talk on here to a few guys, but it seems like when the time comes to meet somplace for coffee, orsomthing, thay always say that somthing cam up. It makes me think, will I ever get layed for the first time

8 response(s), 12 votes
smoothshavin2 57 男
2  質問
My boyfreind fucks me to hard - 2012/8/10

Hello, I'm 44 and the bf is 27.His cock is 8 inches. I'm all bottom and i love his cock in me. The problem is that he cums over and over and starts to fuck me to the point of me not being comfortable. If i ask him to stop it pisses him off and i don't c him for a while. Ive tried talking to him and other things. Nothing seems to work. Should I just let him and his freinds fuck me? Ya ive been ...

10 response(s), 12 votes
bidonald2 75 男
2  質問
Gay, but not out - 2012/7/31

When I was young, and newly married, I found that the only way I could cum was to pretend that I was fucking a man's ass. I though this was the fault of my wife, however, as I matured and found other women I had the same problem. I finally had a relationship with a man and found it to be absolutly wonderful, I knew then I was gay. My lover finally decided to come out, and it destroyed his life. ...

1 response(s), 18 votes
sweetbillstoy 39 男
1  質問
i beleive im thekinkiest nastiest sickest little cocksucker here - 2012/7/24

i invented a but plug with a doggie tail inserted in the bearer has a doggie tail i invented a srap on dick with a swell ball on the pube end which swells causing the two to be hung up and last but not least a mouth peice wich inserts into the mouth keeping it wide open on the outside a toilet seat mking you a human urinal fireaway challengers

4 response(s), 18 votes
jesse6977 65 男
6  質問
Whe did you realize - 2012/7/13

How old were you when you first realized you were attracted to men and how old when you had your first sexual encounter with a man.

13 response(s), 20 votes
jesse6977 65 男
6  質問
ED meds - 2012/7/12

Have any of you taken ED medications such as Viagra or Levitra and if so what has your experience been ? I have been thinking about trying it but have heard some stories about bad side effects.

1 response(s), 7 votes
justforhotsex2 70 男
1  質問
Straight or not? - 2012/6/27

I have a friend who claims to be straight but I just wonder? Let me try and sum it up briefly. We have know each other for a few years and I also knew his former girlfriend. He had ownered a bar near by my home and I use to visit there. One night they got drunk and he and another male friend and his wife and myself played strip poker well I hoped he would loose he did my dream came true I got to ...

4 response(s), 19 votes
luvwetdk 39 男
7  質問
Anal aphrodisiac? - 2012/6/10

I was wondering, Is there such a thing as an anal aphrodisiac? Meaning is there any food that you can eat that will make you want anal sex? Or is there anything you can rub on yourself that will give you the hots?

7 response(s), 18 votes
gunner54h 73 男
5  質問
New look - 2012/5/30

What is your opinion on the new look OutP has. I'm not sure yet, I think they are trying way too much in so short of a page.

12 response(s), 17 votes
oralvirgin4cock 62 男
2  質問
Boys Town - 2012/5/29

Would love to venture over to Boy's Town in Chicago and have some fun....any suggestions for older guys?

1 response(s), 13 votes
backagain80 48 男
3  質問
shave or wax or? - 2012/5/27

so i love to be smooth. I have been shaving my cock and balls and ass and everything in between. I love the way it feels when i am freshly shaven. but I think it maybe time to wax. I want to know what you all think. Wax vers shave. Or if there are other ideas that would be good too. nothing feels better to me then when i am all smooth and lubed up with my lover sliding in and out of my boipussy. ...

6 response(s), 15 votes
backagain80 48 男
3  質問
enima - 2012/5/18

i have been giving myself enimas with the garden hose lately, it gets me sooo hard love to fill my ass with water and then jerk off as i push it out. anybody else enjoy this?

4 response(s), 13 votes
deciple 82 男
3  質問
Can't perform in bed? What is wrong with arranging sex with others for your partner? - 2012/5/15

Because of a back injury, I cannot perform sex with my partner. Rather than let his suffer, I am trying to arrange sex with other men for him. He works, and I stay at home, and have more time to put feelers our in OutPersonals. We are both over 65, but not dead yet. Since I cannot be active in sex, I enjoy watching him having fun with others. I am not the only voyer in the world, so don't ...

2 response(s), 8 votes
deciple 82 男
3  質問
Why do guys ask for sex on this site, and then refuse it when offered? - 2012/5/15

Most of the men who are on this site ask for a man or male couple to have sex with. When I offer to accomidate them, they refuse, whining that "it is too far (less that 20 miles), too old (but we are not dead, or ugly), feel uncomfortable coming over (would you rather meet at a public park, and get busted?), " and so on. If you do not want sex, do not ask for it. If it is offeredd that ...

3 response(s), 10 votes
deciple 82 男
3  質問
How does one go about finding a sub for a dom? - 2012/5/14

I have tried gay papers, etc, and gay web sites. I guess I just do not know who to word the ad. Anybody help?

5 response(s), 6 votes
bluestar97 72 男
2  質問
Spray cum on my face, Will you? - 2012/5/13

Hello, I find it very erotic to have a man spray his cum in my mouth and all over my face..What do you think?

8 response(s), 17 votes
oralvirgin4cock 62 男
2  質問
How do I show I'm interested and remain subtle? - 2012/4/27

I work-out regularly at a local gym and this older fit stud caught my eye in the locker room about a month ago. He just struck me as someone who may appreciate some male bonding as I just get that inkling from him. I have noticed him since and have gotten some smiles but am not sure how to go about showing that I'm interested in putting my hands and mouth all over his body. When walking in the ...

8 response(s), 9 votes
stickumup 78 男
1  質問
how far is too far? - 2012/4/25

i saw a video of a guy sitting on a dildo that must have been 18 inches long. he faced the camera and sat down on it. you could see it protruding just under his breast bone as he rode up and down on it.

how can this be possible without causing some sort of injury? the large intestine is like a coiled snake so how does one get something that long that far in?

4 response(s), 14 votes
wedgie215 61 男
2  質問
Sensations - 2012/4/15

I have always indulged in safe anal sex. More and more guys want ot go bareback. Is there a different sensation while going at it bareback style?

6 response(s), 13 votes